Biosecurity is of critical importance to the grains industry impacting production as well as market access. GrainGrowers has increased its focus on biosecurity in response to an uptick in concern around pests and diseases and is providing growers and industry with quarterly updates.
GrainGrowers has been calling for sustainable funding for biosecurity, along with a reset of the operation of Australia’s biosecurity system to ensure can meet modern biosecurity threats.
Key Outcomes for Grains:
- The government has announced long-term funding measures for the biosecurity system to support the operation of the Australia’s pre- and at-border biosecurity system.
- The measure includes increased taxpayer funding, increased and expanded charges on importers and a charge on agricultural production, referred to as the Biosecurity Protection Levy.
- GrainGrowers is concerned that without an appropriate implementation plan and adequate safeguards, the increased investment in biosecurity will not deliver the outcomes demanded by industry and the broader Australian community.
- The past 12 months have seen significant threats to Australia’s biosecurity, with emerging challenges from Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease in the cattle industry resulting from outbreaks in Indonesia and the ongoing efforts to eradicate Varroa Mite from bees in New South Wales.
- GrainGrowers will continue to work on policies and programs that can support advancements in the grains industry to equip growers with the tools and technologies to operate a profitable and sustainable farming business.
What’s on the horizon?
GrainGrowers has been calling for a reset of Australia’s biosecurity system to ensure that it is better positioned to meet modern biosecurity threats and there is secure ongoing funding to maintain the national biosecurity effort.
GrainGrowers will be continuing to prioritise work on biosecurity issues during 2023, particularly voicing concerns around the Biosecurity Protection Levy and supporting advancements to equip growers with new tools and technologies.