Partnership opportunities
GrainGrowers is keen to support work and to be a collaborative partner on projects and activities that benefit growers.

We have partnered with groups to deliver First Aid workshops, International Rural Women's Day Lunches, marketing updates and much more.
If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with the team to discuss!
As Executive Officer of the Liebe Group, it is great to see the positive impact of our industry partnerships, such as GrainGrowers in bringing capacity building and networking opportunities to our members. The partnership with GrainGrowers has grown since its inception in 2016 and Liebe Group values the ongoing support through the AgChats Series which encourages peer to peer learning on relevant topics.

Katrina Venticinque

The national voice for Australian grain farmers
Contact GrainGrowers if your group would like to discuss a potential partnership opportunity
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