
Building a more profitable and sustainable industry for Australian grain growers
What makes GrainGrowers unique is our ability to invest directly back into grower-good activities from policy and advocacy, through to thought leadership and capacity building.
We represent growers across the country. Our growers are at the heart of everything we do at GrainGrowers.
Our goal is to represent growers whether that's in front of a government minister, industry leader or even other advocacy groups, ensuring growers' messages goes directly to those that need to hear it most.
Our development programs are bespoke and tailored to further the skills and capacity of Australian grain growers.

Our Ambition
Our Ambition
1. GrainGrowers work enables growth in grower farming enterprises
2. More sustainable grains industry
3. More trusted grower centric grains association

Our Strategic Priorities
Our Strategic Priorities
1. Ensure a favourable operating environment for growers
2. Develop a vibrant and robust ideas ecosystem to solve emerging and future issues
3. Ensure GrainGrowers has an engaging portfolio of activities and resources that growers want and need

Our Values
Our Values
Integrity - We are motivated by honesty and accountability and work to the highest standards.
Teamwork - We work collaboratively and support each other to deliver solutions.
Innovation - We consistently strive to be innovative in our approach and drive positive change in the grains industry.
Respect - We give the same respect to everyone, regardless of their race, gender or background.
Passion - We are passionate about what we do here at GrainGrowers, and we are passionate about assisting growers however we can.
Accountability - We are held accountable to our members and stakeholders.
Decisiveness - We are decisive in our stance and will always prioritise growers interests first.
GrainGrowers in numbers
88%Australian farms provide of our domestic food supply
$13.8 bgross value of production
$12.4 bin exports
168GrainGrowers Graduates
15,100GrainGrowers members
1958GrainGrowers was established
Over 60 years ago group of growers gathered around a kitchen table in North Star, NSW to discuss the need for a premium payment for the high quality, high protein wheat they were growing in the region.
Since then, we have proven our track record of success for delivering real value to growers and the wider industry.

Our Board
Meet our BoardThe board of GrainGrowers is a strong advocate of good corporate governance.
The Board is committed to fulfilling its corporate governance obligations and responsibilities in the best interests of the company and its stakeholders.
GrainGrowers' funding
As a national representative organisation, GrainGrowers is able to operate wholly independently of operational funding from Government or other influencing sources. Nor does GrainGrowers take funding from any kind of grower levy.
GrainGrowers manages a significant investment portfolio that has been built over many decades of diligent investment decisions and historical ownership of grain bulk handling assets. The investment portfolio remains carefully and robustly managed to this day, with the earnings from the fund supporting the organisation’s operational costs. With this model, GrainGrowers is able to operate independently and concentrates on supporting progressive and innovative growers through its initiatives.

We maintain effective partnerships with relevant industry and government committees to enhance our advocacy effort for growers and achieve improved policy outcomes.
In order to enhance our advocacy effort for growers, GrainGrowers is a member of the following organisations.

- Farmsafe Australia
- Rural, Regional and Remote Communications Coalition
- National Farmers' Federation (NFF)
- Grain Trade Australia (GTA)
- Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia (ABCA)
- Australian Farm Institute (AFI)
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) Agricultural Consultative Committee
- Australian Oilseeds Federation (AOF)
- Grains NSW
- Grain and Plant Products Export Industry Consultative Committee (GPPEICC)
- Grain Industry Association of Victoria (GIAV)
- Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA)
- Grains Industry Association of South Australia