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2024 Annual Policy Survey results
2024 Workforce Report

2024 Annual Policy Survey Results

Growers from around Australia took part in the survey, sharing their views on the grains industry, issues impacting their farm businesses and opportunities on the horizon.

GrainGrowers is committed to putting this feedback into action and focusing on providing tangible outcomes that benefit the future grains industry.

Summary of Findings

Top Industry Issues

Input costs and availability was identified as the biggest issue growers face, at 52%. Markets and pricing was second at 18%, and Farm labour and workforce came in third at 15%.

Grower Confidence

Growers were prompted to rate their level of confidence in the success of their grains business in the next 12 months. In 2024, growers nominated Rising input costs, Climate variability, Falling/Low commodity prices, as the main reasons why they were less confident of success.

Specific policy areas for GrainGrowers to focus

1. Keep Australia free from invasive pests and disease 2. Reduce costs and improve availability of farm inputs 3. Improving road, rail and ports infrastructure

Areas of interest for growers

Growers indicated they were interested in learning more about Carbon trading (10%); Agronomy, soils and plant breeding (10%); and Compliance and Chemical use (8%).

What are growers generally positive about?

  • 68% of growers nationally felt the environmental state of their land is very good or excellent.
  • 45% of growers nationally felt the financial health of their business is very good or excellent.
  • 42% of growers nationally felt their personal wellbeing is very good or excellent.

Full Survey Results

2024 Annual Policy Survey Results

Comprehensive Report

2024 Workforce Report

Utilising findings from the Annual Policy Survey

Grower voices inform GrainGrowers’ efforts to build a more profitable and sustainable industry for Australian growers.

This year’s survey results have revealed both changes and continuities in growers’ priorities. Notably, growers have identified biosecurity issues as a higher priority this year when compared with previous years. Meanwhile, some of the top issues impacting growers, such as reliable access to affordable farm inputs, have remained a concern.

GrainGrowers will work to address the priorities identified in this survey, including issues such as the cost and availability of farm inputs, through advocacy, research into alternative options, and supplying timely information to growers and key decision-makers.

Responses from the Annual Policy Survey, further informed by perspectives from our National Policy Group grower representatives and continuous
grower engagement activities, form the foundation of GrainGrowers’ work to drive change and build a more profitable and sustainable industry for
Australian growers.

GrainGrowers is working across these priority themes:

Find out more about GrainGrowers Policy.

2023 Annual Policy Survey

View results from GrainGrowers' 2023 Annual Policy Survey

2023 Annual Policy Survey

2022 Annual Policy Survey

View results from GrainGrowers' 2022 Annual Policy Survey

2022 Annual Policy Survey results

Our Policy Positions

GrainGrowers' policy solutions are grower-focused and grower-supported. Grower feedback from the Annual Policy Survey will help shape future priorities and initiatives.