Spray application and drift management online resources hub

Spraying is one of those farming tasks that you must address carefully and methodically. I encourage all growers to have a look at the resources available and share them across their workforce.”

Rhys Turton

Quick links

Watch the new video series on spray application and drift management
Filmed on-farm with spray expert Craig Day, this 13-part video series offers practical solutions on how to minimise spray drift while increasing efficacy, reducing cost and minimising risk (Updated December 2024)

View additional spray drift resources from industry
A selection of additional resources for growers' information from industry groups such as the GRDC, NSW DPI and GPA.

Share your suggestions!
To guide updates to this hub, growers are invited to share feedback or suggestions for new resources.

Spray application training events summary
A snapshot of events and workshops on spray application around the country for grower consideration.

Video series
Commissioned by spray expert, Craig Day, the aim of this special video series is to address issues surrounding spray application by creating a framework for each applicator/manager to break a complex operation into 3 core components:
- Sprayer operation and setup
- Tank mix
- Timing
The videos contain practical solutions to minimise spray drift while increasing the efficacy of any spray job, therefore reducing costs and minimising the risk of underdosing.
New! Check out the latest addition (Video 13) on farm chem safety which looks at appropriate practices to control the risk and maintain a safe workplace.
"Good spray application and drift management is important because off-target spray drift can have unintended consequences such as damage to other crops or the environment. Our property is in an Agricultural Chemical Control Area and we are also mindful of the guidelines that apply."

Christine Plant

- Video 1 of 12: Spraying 1,2,3 (2:43)
- Video 2 of 12: Nozzle classification and selection (4:07)
- Video 10 of 12: Camera spraying considerations (10:06)
- Video 11 of 12: Practical tips for spraying (10:06)
- New! Video 13 of 13: Farm Chemical Safety - Controlling the Risk (8:01)
- Access the full spray application and drift management video series
Any drift away from the intended target is a loss of rate that has the potential to damage someone else’s crop, your own crop or the environment. Further, this loss of rate could be contributing to sub-lethal dosing of the intended target, compounding underlying resistance issues. Regardless of the sensitivity of the crop, everyone needs to take responsibility and be worried about spray drift.”

Craig Day