Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) & Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) Resources

Farm Biosecurity Resources

Farm Biosecurity has a number of materials to help you implement biosecurity measures on your farm. These include industry plans and farm manuals, checklists, animal declaration forms, health statements and plant pest fact sheets.

The best defence against pests and diseases is to implement sound biosecurity practices on your farm. Quick and simple measures built into everyday practice will help protect your farm and your future.

Information about FMD from the Department of Agriculture with helpful insight and advice.

Hear from a biosecurity expert about what an incursion could mean, the industry's response plan and some practical tips about what some Aussie growers have put in place
Some webinar takeaways
- Dr Parker’s message to everyone entering Australia – don’t be afraid to declare produce. You won’t get in trouble – it will help Biosecurity Officers ascertain risk of what you might be bringing in and can stop it if need be. However if you don't declare, you can and will be prosecuted.
- Many farmers have asked about footbaths at airports – the chemicals used in there are caustic and not suitable for an airport environment. There are a range of additional measures being utilised. Misdeclarations at the border can result in fines, jail time and revocation of visas. Declare honestly.
- Developing and working to a biosecurity plan is something that every farmer can do, and it helps to minimise risks to them as well as their community.
More resources

Interview with Australia’s Chief Vet
Listen to this episode of the AgWatchers Podcast '#128 The Facts on FMD from the Chief Vet' as they go through the facts about FMD (and LSD/Varroa mite) with Mark Schipp.

Mental health resources for growers
Taking care of your mental health is imperative in seasons of unusual circumstances