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Improved governance, stronger collaboration, and strategic stakeholder engagement are three key changes to the Grain Sustainability Framework (GSF) designed to deliver genuine outcomes for growers.

Launched in 2019 and initially led by GrainGrowers in collaboration with industry stakeholders, the updated approach features shared oversight and responsibility between GrainGrowers and Grain Producers Australia.

To help provide governance and drive the strategic direction, a GSF Council has been established. The Council comprises an independent chair, three representatives from each grain body – two board directors and the Chief Executive Officer - a Grains Research & Development Corporation observer, and a secretariat.

The Council membership ensures a strong industry focus, and the GRDC observer status allows the organisation to offer information and advice from across its R&D portfolio to assist with decision-making.

Members of the Council are:

  • Independent Chair: Tess Herbert
  • GrainGrowers board directors: Nigel Corish and Richard Norton
  • Grain Producers Australia (GPA) board directors: Brendon Taylor and Mark Schilling
  • GrainGrowers CEO: Shona Gawel
  • GPA Interim CEO: Peter Arkle
  • GRDC observer: Dr. Mark Callow
  • Secretariat: GrainGrowers General Manager Major Projects: Sarah Hyland

Ms Herbert said she was pleased to have been given the opportunity to chair the council and be actively involved in the sustainability space.

“Over the past decade the development of commodity-based frameworks has matured to the point where you can really see the value. My previous experience in the red meat industry highlights not just the benefits of stakeholder engagement, but even more importantly that of market access.”

“My role will be to ensure the Council works effectively, providing oversight and ensuring collaboration and a strong strategic direction for the GSF.”

The CEOs of the two industry bodies said the updated approach would help drive important outcomes for Australian grain growers.

GrainGrowers CEO Shona Gawel said a well-defined collaborative approach will help the industry meet the challenges of increased environmental, social and governance reporting and the associated implications for standardised reporting across the grain value chain.

"It is not about creating additional work for businesses, providing accreditation, or endorsing measurement systems. It is, however, about providing the necessary evidence of industry performance and the pathway to improvements to meet the evolving need for reporting."

"Determining performance in this area will, over the longer term, assist and protect the wider grains industry by helping to expand access to investment, finance, customers, and markets."

GPA Sustainability Spokesperson, Mark Schilling – a fourth-generation grain farmer from Cunliffe on the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia – said the GSF’s new strategic intent, with an inclusive governance process and shared responsibilities, was purposefully designed to deliver the best outcomes and genuine value for growers.

“GPA is looking forward to engaging closely with GrainGrowers through this new and reinvigorated process, to deliver a sustainability framework that can clearly articulate our strong credentials to local and international markets and ultimately enhance value for all growers,” he said.

“This exciting opportunity will also harness expertise and reflects our strategic work across a range of policy areas, to deliver stronger sustainability and profitability for all Australian grain producers.”

In addition to the Council, an increased focus will also be placed on strategic stakeholder engagement. The upcoming Grain Sustainability Forum stands as a pivotal gathering for industry stakeholders committed to advancing sustainability in the grain sector.

The Forum aims to provide value for participants through sharing GSF updates and insights; and foster meaningful engagement with ideas and initiatives by capturing stakeholder perspectives during an interactive review process.

To maintain the sharp focus, work is underway to update the materiality study to identify and prioritise the sustainability topics underpinning the GSF.

The first study, undertaken in 2019, identified ten themes. The updated work will ensure the GSF can respond to appropriate issues and meet stakeholder expectations.

Ms Gawel said the GSF, is an opportunity to showcase our strengths, identify areas for improvement and demonstrate industry progress over time.

“Transparently reporting our credentials helps position the Australian grains as sector in which consumers can be confident, and with whom investors and businesses are proud to be associated," she said.

The next steps include the appointment of a Steering Group to ensure the GSF operates efficiently and in line with its objectives and guiding principles. A call for applications for the position of Steering Group Chair will be made shortly.


Link to images of Grain Sustainability Framework Council

Further Information:

  • GrainGrowers Media Manager, Chris Rowley: 0415 140 253
  • GPA Executive Officer - Biosecurity, Policy and Communications, Rachael Oxborrow: 0416 705 193
