Mr Brent Finlay
Future Drought Fund Chairperson
Australian Government Department of Agriculture
Via: ua.vog.erutlucirga@ecneiliserthguord
Dear Mr Finlay
Re: Drought Resilience Funding Plan 2020 to 2024
GrainGrowers is a national grain farmer representative organisation with 17,000 grower members across Australia. Our vision is a more efficient, sustainable and profitable grains industry for all Australian grain farmers. GrainGrowers welcomes this opportunity to provide feedback to the Future Drought Fund – Drought Resilience Funding Plan 2020 to 2024 Draft
consultation (the Plan).
GrainGrowers is pleased by the commitment taken to ensure the agricultural sector has a secure fund of $100 million per annum to be allocated towards continuous improvement and resilience of farming enterprises and the communities they reside in. The investment should be focused on new initiatives, which must be measurable in their impact and ability to deliver
for farmers irrespective of their size or commodity type. The Fund is an opportunity to establish a baseline and then focus on specific areas to drive tangible outcomes. We implore the Fund is not used to duplicate or substitute current programs in a cost shifting opportunity.
The following submission outlines GrainGrowers’ response to the consultation draft and provides recommendations for ensuring this opportunity is maximised to benefit farmers and regional communities. Should you require any further information in relation to this submission, please contact GrainGrowers Policy Manager for Rural Affairs, Amelia Shaw on (02) 9286 2000 or ua.moc.sreworgniarg@wahs.ailema
Yours sincerely,
David McKeon