Western Region National Policy Group Candidates 2023

If you're a GrainGrowers member in SA or WA and you haven't received your voting information, please get in touch via membership@graingrowers.com.au or call 1800 620 519.
Please note that the candidate order has been drawn at random.

Renee Lynch - Narembeen, WA
I’m a grain grower from Narembeen in WA’s Wheatbelt where I own and run a 4000ha mixed cropping and livestock enterprise. Together with my husband I grow wheat, barley and oats with a legume rotation. I am motivated to drive change that builds long term profitability for growers; creating sustainable businesses and thriving regional communities.
I am a:
- Creative problem solver.
- Future-focused strategic thinker.
- Positive champion for industry.
I have a strong network within the grain industry and across the western region, having previously served on CBH’s Grower Advisory Council and GIWA’s Careers in Grain council.
I am a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and a Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (FARLF).

Tracy Lefroy - Bindi Bindi, WA
I am a farmer from Moora in the Western Australian wheatbelt. My leadership roles include Moora Shire President, InterGrain Director, Chair of GIWA Wheat Council and GIWA Board member.
I am currently serving my first term on GrainGrowers’ National Policy Group and participate in the National Farmers Federation Telecommunications and Social Policy Committee. These roles all underscore my dedication to the Australian grains industry and, more broadly, to thriving regional communities.
The cross-section of these roles and the broad thinking required provide me with a comprehensive understanding of the industry’s landscape, allowing me to contribute valuable insights and novel solutions.

Tom Michael - Barunga Gap, SA
I am a mixed farmer, growing lentils, canola, wheat, barley, and manage self-replacing Merino sheep.
I am part of GrainGrowers’ Grains100 cohort and an elected representative for Wakefield Regional Council’s northern ward. I am involved in environmental initiatives with Northern Sustainable Soils, hold an executive role at Blyth Snowtown Football Club, and chair the Snowtown Combined Courts.
Building on a 150-year legacy at Barunga Gap, I am pioneering a new farm business aimed at fostering a prosperous future for our community and industry.

Damien Sommerville - Burra, SA
Damien, a grain farmer, agronomist and active volunteer including past Chair of Hart Field Site group, is passionate about sustainable agriculture and believes a healthier farming system is more resilient & profitable in the long term.
Based in SA's Mid North at Burra, Damien’s focus is on ensuring the grains industry has a robust system to ensure farmers have access to unbiased research to ensure long term profitability & sustainable RD&E at the farm gate.
Damien is a current member of GrainGrowers’ National Policy Group, focused on ensuring best outcomes for our industry and developing strong networks for future generations.

Lucy Hall - Arthur River, WA
Lucy owns and operates a farming business with her partner and is involved in all aspects of this broadacre enterprise based in Arthur River WA. Lucy is very passionate about the agricultural sector and ensuring it has a strong voice.
Lucy is a recent past Chair of Rural Edge Australia, a not for profit organisation that designs and delivers custom training opportunities to support farming businesses become more innovative, competitive and profitable. Over the course of her career Lucy has worked for AWB Limited, Westpac Agribusiness and PwC Perth. She has extensive experience in financial services, business development, marketing and the not-for-profit sector.
Lucy is a Councillor for her local shire, and on the board of the Small Business Development Corporation. She graduated from Leadership WA’s Signature Leadership Program in 2021 which gave her much diversity in her thinking and the way she approaches situations.

Judith Foss - Bruce Rock, WA
Judith is a current member of GrainGrowers’ National Policy Group representing WA growers and would love the opportunity to continue to advocate for her industry.
Together with her husband they operate 11000 hectares of mixed cropping and prime lamb production. Judith completed a Bachelor Of Business (Agriculture) and has been farming for over 28 years. With 2 sons planning to return to the business on completion of their tertiary education motivation for success and expansion is high.
Judith is a member of the grower levy funded Industry Management Committee for Grains, Seeds and Hay which is tasked with delivering positive outcomes, including investing in RD&E, in Biosecurity for the agricultural cropping areas of WA.

Sam Burgess - Arthur River, WA
I am a grain producer in the Upper Great Southern Region of WA, where I run the business that I started thirteen years ago. I am a first-generation farmer, with my family having involvement in agriculture for three generations.
I am a graduate of GrainGrowers’ Grains Social Leadership Program and a member of the Grains100 cohort, where I have the opportunity to collaborate and problem-solve with industry professionals to find solutions to major industry issues. My interests include identifying fair and sustainable solutions for the transportation and handling of grain, as well as improving the use of on-farm grain storage.