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Farm inputs, markets and pricing, and labour are the top three issues impacting grain farm businesses, according to the latest GrainGrowers Annual Policy Survey.

The survey received a record 663 responses from grain growers across the country between February and March this year. For the third year in a row, the cost and availability of farm inputs was the most prominent challenge faced by growers.

In terms of grower sentiment, 68% of producers nationally felt more positive about the environmental state of their land, rating it as very good or excellent and 27% rating it as good.

While a slight drop in sentiment was recorded for financial health, pleasingly, the majority of respondents still rated this as good, very good or excellent (82%).

Personal wellbeing maintained the same values year on year, with 42% of respondents rating their wellbeing as very good or excellent. Agricultural industries are acutely aware that mental health is a continuing challenge among farming communities and is an area that requires ongoing attention.

The survey also sought grower views on the top issues impacting their farm business besides the weather.

The top five issues identified through the survey are:

  • Input costs and availability;
  • Markets and pricing;
  • Farm labour and workforce;
  • Red tape and regulations; and
  • Agricultural chemicals.

GrainGrowers CEO Shona Gawel said the survey results delivered a snapshot of grower sentiment and position and provided foundational data on which to base a wide range of activities.

“As a grower-focused organisation we highly value the time growers take to have their say. The data gained through the survey are used to shape and fine-tune the activities we undertake to drive the sustainability and profitability of grain businesses across Australia.”

“The results have revealed some changes, with biosecurity increasing in priority, and with other issues, such as reliable access to affordable farm inputs, continuing to remain as a concern.”

“The extensive data gained on farm labour and workforce through this year’s survey is being considered in more detail, and a separate report will be prepared to highlight the issues faced by growers.”

Ms Gawel explained that the identified priorities would be addressed through ongoing work in the priority areas of carbon and climate, farm business, farm inputs, grain freight and supply chain, trade and market access, and biosecurity.

“In many instances, work is already underway, and we are committed to further improving the position of growers by driving change and building a more sustainable and profitable industry,” Ms Gawel said.

Further details on the survey and a copy of the report are available on the GrainGrowers website.


Media contact:

Chris Rowley

P: 0415 140 253

