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Proposed increases of up to 52.52% in east coast container port access charges by DP World Australia (DPWA) are excessive and highlight the need for urgent government action, GrainGrowers said today.

Under the Notice of Intention issued by DPWA, landside fees at each of its terminals will increase significantly from 1 January 2024, rising by 52.52% in Melbourne, 38.80% in Sydney and 37.50% in Brisbane.

GrainGrowers General Manager, Policy and Advocacy Zachary Whale has condemned the substantial increases, citing it as evidence that the current light-touch voluntary national guidelines are not working.

“As an export-reliant industry, skyrocketing terminal charges directly impact our global competitiveness.

Mr Whale said the stark contrast with the West Coast could not be ignored and emphasised the need for urgent government action.

“The fact that the Terminal Access Charges will only rise by 5% in Fremantle highlights the value of government ownership and involvement in the operation of this crucial infrastructure.”

“Urgent government action is long overdue. It has been nearly 11 months since the Productivity Commission recommended implementing a mandatory industry code, and the ACCC has long highlighted container ports are not adequately regulated.”

“This is not just an issue for grain farmers. Higher port costs flowing means higher prices for Australian consumers and it is high time the situation changes.”

Mr Whale said a failure to address this issue will inflict long-term damage to all Australians.


Media contact: Chris Rowley

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