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Photo: Lance Wise & Shawn Reid, ready to head off harvesting

Our farm is around 1650ha and we mostly grow wheat, barley, sorghum and mungbeans as well as contract harvesting across our local area. Our soil types vary from volcanic red through to good self-mulching black soils.

We have finished our winter crop harvest around two weeks ago and have started the contract harvesting rounds. We have rain predicted from Monday, so the rush is on to get as much harvest done before then. For our summer regime, we have planted 400ha of sorghum which was double cropped into barley stubble. Depending on the rain, we may plant another 200ha of sorghum and in January, we will put in 140ha of mungbeans.

I joined GrainGrowers last year during the photo competition and have really got a lot out of the membership, with updates through e-news and the magazine keeping me up to date on the work GrainGrowers does for growers across Australia.

I post a lot about what happens on the farm on TikTok (@Wisey86). It’s nothing for me to have 500 people on a live video and most who watch are not just farmers. I get a lot of people from varying backgrounds tuning in to see what we are up to and it has created a lot of positive conversation about what farmers do. Luckily, I don’t get too many trolls!

Shawn Reid started full-time with me in March this year and is part of the GrainGrowers Supporter network.

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