- The growth of domestic crop-based low carbon liquid fuel production to support Australia’s hard to abate industries such as aviation, mining, agriculture and transport to reduce emissions.
- The use of Australian feedstocks for low carbon liquid fuel production, recognising Australia’s leading grain and oilseed production practices.
- The development of alternate domestic markets including low carbon liquid fuel production to ensure market diversification for the Australian grain industry.
- Increasing low carbon liquid fuel production in regional areas to support industrial development and job creation.
- The development of domestic low carbon liquid fuel production capabilities to increase Australia’s fuel security.
- Australia’s skills and experience in world leading grain and oilseed production practices and engineering provide the opportunity to develop a thriving low carbon liquid fuel industry.
- Australia currently has very limited domestic low carbon liquid fuel production capacity.
- Domestic low carbon liquid fuel production requires a thriving ecosystem of grower orientated research and extension as well as production infrastructure, such as canola crushing capacity, to flourish.
- A robust policy framework which includes both production-side and demand-side mechanisms is vital for ensuring Australia becomes an integrated local processor.
- Effective public messaging is important for building trust and ensuring that consumers are well-prepared for the transition to low-carbon liquid fuels.
- The experience other countries have gained in biofuel provides Australia with a unique opportunity to develop an industry driven by environmental factors, while also achieving the substantial socioeconomic and geopolitical benefits.
- While demand-side levers are important for providing the industry certainty and attracting investment, demand-side policy mechanisms alone will not support the development of a domestic low carbon fuel industry.
- Without targeted support to increasing domestic production capability, Australia risks inbuilding the same dependence on imported fuels that characterises the Australian diesel industry.
- To harness Australia’s position as a world leading feedstock producer, it is vital the Australian Government establish a joint industry-government working group to develop a National Feedstock Strategy.
- Long-term policy certainty to accelerate the growth of the low carbon liquid fuel industry and encourage investor confidence.
- A suite of production-side and demand-side policies to stimulate domestic production, accelerate the affordability of new technologies and build investor confidence in low carbon liquid fuel projects.
- Dedicated research and extension programs to ensure Australian grain growers are positioned to meet low carbon liquid fuel market requirements.