2025 Photo Competition Winners

Each year, GrainGrowers holds a photo competition for Australian grain farmers to showcase their great industry. The Top 12 photos will be featured in the 2025 GrainGrowers Calendar and each member will receive a copy.
2025 Photo Competition Winners
1stAlisha Campbell
2nd Charlotte Peakall
3rd Matt Whitfield

1st Place Winner
Our first-place winner is Alisha Campbell from Toobeah, QLD. Alisha won $1,000 for her winning shot ‘The barley is ready’.
Judge's Comment: Portraits come in many shapes and sizes. The fields of golden barley provide a lovey backdrop. The rugged hands tell a story of years of experience and deep knowledge of the farming industry. The farmer’s hard work and dedication is evident in this image. Shallow depth of field, a crafted colour palette and an interesting subject matter. Each element of the photo is seamlessly combined to create an emotive image with a strong storyline. A beautifully executed image!

2nd Place Winner
Second-place winner was awarded to Charlotte Peakall from Amelup, WA. Charlotte won $500 for her shot ‘Swathing in Western Australia’.
Judge's Comment: A classic use of clean straight lines and symmetry combined with masterful composition creates an outstanding overhead photo. A simple and effective combination of modern technology juxtaposed with traditional farming practices. The striking composition, subdued colours and the perfect amount of contrast all come together magnificently, as the dynamic lines draw the eye across the image. A fantastic image and a close 2nd place!

3rd Place Winner
Third-place winner was awarded to Matt Whitfield from Ajana, WA. Matt won $250 for his photo 'Mick...the crop inspector' photographed in paddock.
Judges Comment: More than a simple image of a dog in a field. It’s a quintessential story of mate-ship. The Aussie story. Where everyone has a part to play and a job to do. The vast simplicity of lush green crops with a splash of golden joy combines iconic imagery with a heartwarming narrative. The uncomplicated yet thriving subjects, composition and contrast creates a relaxed, content, and cheerful grain farmer image. A lovely photo!

People’s Choice Award
The People’s Choice Award, with a prize of $250, goes to the photographer who has taken the most popular shot, as voted for by people on the GrainGrowers website. Our lucky winner for this year's People Choice Award is Chelsea Gordon from Colinroobie, NSW. Chelsea's shot ‘Golden hour over the lupins’ received the most votes on the GrainGrowers website.