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GrainGrowers has thrown its support behind a campaign calling for the Federal Government to work towards a universal early childhood education and care (ECEC) system that provides solutions for regional, rural and remote Australia.

GrainGrowers CEO Shona Gawel said the IMPACTFUL report released today by The Parenthood highlights the widespread impact of a lack of accessible and affordable ECEC across regional, rural and remote Australia.

“Our involvement with The Parenthood and the Access for Every Child Coalition is part of a shared commitment to improve the lives of families and support the wellbeing and economic stability of our members and supporters. GrainGrowers is pleased to be able to sponsor this report as a valuable contribution toward making real improvements in this area.”

“The lack of ECEC services has a profound impact on our members and supporters, with those affected facing challenges that inadequate childcare imposes on the ability to farm, live and contribute to their local communities.”

Ms Gawel said the IMPACTFUL report draws on the experiences of 162 parents, carers, educators, and community leaders, supplemented by an online poll of 855 regional rural and remote parents and a comprehensive literature review.

“For anyone unaware of the issues, the report is a wakeup call that highlights the far-reaching consequences of a lack of ECEC services.”

Ms Gawel said that, without reliable ECEC facilities, parents in the grain sector were often forced to make tough decisions.

“Often this can mean one partner is forced to forego work or leave the industry, jeopardising their career and impacting the longer-term sustainability of farming operations.”

Ms Gawel said GrainGrowers supported calls for all parties to commit to addressing the unique ECEC needs of regional, rural and remote Australia.

“The problems cannot be left solely to the private sector, and we need government to step up and take a greater role in helping work cooperatively to address the key issues.”

“We look forward to seeing changes in ECEC that not only improve the quality of family life but also boost local communities and give our children in regional, rural and remote Australia an equal chance to an impactful education,” Ms Gawel said.


A copy of the IMPACTFUL report is available HERE.
