GrainGrowers has called on the federal government to take targeted action to drive sustainable growth and resilience, presenting 18 recommendations in its pre-budget submission.
With the Australian economy facing stagnating productivity and a volatile global environment, the recommendations are focused on strengthening the grain industry and enhancing productivity across the broader economy.
The recommendations include unlocking Australia's low-carbon liquid fuel potential, boosting exports, building climate resilience, future-proofing Australia's freight networks, providing greater farm input price transparency, and protecting and strengthening regional communities.
GrainGrowers CEO Shona Gawel said the size and economic value of the grain industry presented a unique opportunity, with development potential to not only bolster regional prosperity but also serve as a powerful engine for national economic growth.
"In the last year alone, 22,500 grain farm businesses generated some $33 billion in gross value of production, producing 50 million tonnes of grains, oilseeds, and pulses."
"Targeted investment by the government will benefit not only growers and the wider industry but also regional communities and the national economy."
"GrainGrowers remains committed to working collaboratively with the government and policymakers to deliver meaningful outcomes for growers, their families, and the communities in which they reside," Ms Gawel said.
A summary of the pre-budget recommendations is included below:
Unlock Australia's Low Carbon Liquid Fuel potential
- $1 million for the development of a National Feedstock Strategy to optimise Australia’s feedstock production for low-carbon liquid fuel
- Targeted grants for critical low-carbon liquid fuel processing infrastructure such as fuel refining facilities and oilseed crushes
- Maintain the fuel tax excise rebate for off-road diesel use for agriculture while diesel is still in use
Future-proof Australia's freight networks
- $900 million per year in targeted funding for key regional freight corridors to improve the long-term resilience of freight networks
- $100 million in targeted funding each year as part of the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program to rebuild critical aging bridge infrastructure
- Expedite the $1 billion announced increase to the Roads to Recovery program to support local roads
Level the playing field with greater farm input price transparency
- $5 million to increase price transparency measures and pricing data for key farm inputs
Protect and strengthen regional communities
- $1 billion to increase supply side funding and government intervention to address market failures in the delivery of quality Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in regional Australia.
- $1.5 billion to increase targeted investment in regional housing projects to support the growth of farming communities and workforce
- $36 million over two years for the extension of the successful On Farm Connectivity Program
- $2.5 million over three years to support Farmsafe Australia’s campaign to reduce the incidence of injury and fatality on Australian farms
- $25 million over five years to co-design and deliver a national, industry-led approach to grow farmers’ wellbeing and to prevent suicides, via farmer-focused mental health education campaigns and an accessible farmer-friendly helpline
Boost Australian exports
- $100 million into initiatives that ensure the sustainable growth and market expansion of Australian export-orientated agricultural businesses including additional agricultural counsellors and funding for trade diversification grants
- Maintain the $1.03 billion commitment over 4 years to Biosecurity made in the 2023-24 Budget
Build climate resilience and capture future opportunities
- $2 billion over four years to support implementation of Nature Repair Market methodologies and drive demand during its establishment.
- Maintain the $28.7 million commitment to improve greenhouse gas accounting at the national and farm level, made in the 2024-25 budget
- $150 million over four years for climate-related R&D that drives innovation, builds resilience, and supports communication, adoption, and extension in the agricultural industry
- Appropriate funding for the APVMA to ensure it functions effectively and delivers against the expectations of community and chemical users to deliver its role as a world class regulator.