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If you think your partner and friends are the only ones who take your opinion seriously, then here is your chance to widen your horizons, with GrainGrowers asking growers across Australia to have their say on issues impacting their farms in the 2024 Annual Policy Survey.

The survey helps GrainGrowers prioritise the challenges and opportunities for growers.

GrainGrowers CEO Shona Gawel said the survey represented an important opportunity for growers to be involved and have their say on issues that impact their day-to-day business operations.

"Last year, 626 growers participated in the survey, providing a wealth of useful information. From a data viewpoint, the breadth of participation provided statistically significant results, allowing us to draw accurate, industry-wide conclusions."

"In 2023, the survey identified the top four priority areas as farm inputs, trade and market access, workforce and freight and supply chains. The feedback and insights provide a sharp focus to our policy and advocacy efforts, undertaken on behalf of our members and the wider industry."

Ms Gawel encouraged growers to put aside time, get involved and make their opinions known.

"Our policy and advocacy efforts reflect the needs of growers, and the survey ensures that we can showcase the severity of the issues occurring on-farm directly to government."

"While we communicate regularly with growers and receive regular input from elected members of the National Policy Group, the survey is another opportunity for growers to directly communicate with us.”

The survey, conducted through an independent research firm, comprises a range of multiple-choice and open-text questions. It asks growers for information about the issues that affect them, and the policies required to help drive the future development of the industry in a profitable and sustainable manner.

The survey can be accessed via the GrainGrowers website and closes at 23:59pm on Monday 11 March 2024. As an incentive to participate, all responses received by this date will be entered into a draw for the chance to win one of four $500 Mastercard gift cards.


Media Contact

Chris Rowley

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